Wednesday, August 12, 2009

sijo in North America

For those interested in the sijo form itself, or a story about Korean literature
making its way into English language circles, please do check the Boston Globe
story about it... [English submissions welcome]
--via D. McCann []

Friday, August 7, 2009

reviews online - Korean Studies

Eventually Korean Studies Review  (KSR) will migrate to a new server, but for the time being reviews from 1998-2007 will continue to be available at ;  reviews from 2008 will be at the new KSR website,

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Indonesian tribe picks Korean alphabet as official writing system

via Korean Studies Discussion List <>

[compare to] ...other instances in the past where other cultures attempted to adopt Han'gu(l / Choso(n'gu(l as their written language only to have it be rejected, no?
I don't recall as it has been a long time since I read Kim-Renaud, Y-K.
(ed) 1997. The Korean Alphabet: Its History and Structure.

Anyway, this is a very interesting language development that *gasp* for
once doesn't involve romanizations.

=-=-=-= follow up:
The case of using hangeul by one of Indonesian tribes as a practical systemof writing is funny. It is one more ?success? of local nationalists in theera of globalization, when the state sponsors such "experiments"! Koreanalphabet is excellent only for the Korean language, but is almost unsuitablefor the transmission of sounds, which are absent in the Korean language. Inthe Soviet Union in 1920-30?s attempts were made to create scripts fornationalities, which had no their own script on the basis of the Latinalphabet. This letter alphabet, as well as Cyrillic, is much more suitablethan Korean letter-syllabic alphabet, for transcription of all kinds ofsounds through a combination of letters or diacritics. But the grandioseexperiment failed. It is difficult to believe that the Korean experimentwill last for long.
---Lev Kontsevich [Moscow]

=-=-=-= more [Sept. 12, 2009]
reporting by Choe Sang-Hun in this morning's NY Times.