Tuesday, July 27, 2010

about British efforts in Korean War

via the KoreanStudies e-list today:

  Max Hastings The Korean War1987
  Mark Phythian, The Labour Party, War and International Relations 1945-2006
(Routledge, 2007),
  Clement Attlee (his memoirs), As it Happened, 1954.
  Kenneth O. Morgan, Labour in Power 1945?51, Oxford University Press, 1984;
  Alan Bullock, Life and Times of Ernest Bevin, Politicos Publising in 2002.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

book, Korea collections, Smithsonian Institution

Flagship of a Fleet, A Korean Gallery Guide
Dr. Paul Michael Taylor and Christopher Lotis
Asian Cultural History Program, Smithsonian Institute
ISBN 078-0-9724557-0-1

Flagship of a Fleet: A Korea Gallery Guide ...serves as a companion guide to the Korea Gallery, an on-going exhibition at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. The Korea Gallery presents a millennia of history and its distinctive culture through ceramics, paintings, textiles, and sculptures, ranging from the 6th century B.C.E.

Introducing Korea to a broad audience, the guidebook highlights and identifies the objects on exhibit, many of them previously unpublished. The book includes an introduction to the Smithsonian's Asian Cultural History Program and its Korean Heritage Project, founded in 1985. It provides a historical context and background of how the Korea Gallery exhibition
developed within an integrated curatorial program. The authors consider this exhibition the flagship of a fleet of related activities in the field of Korean heritage, including research, education, outreach, public programs and the development and improvement of museum collections.